Love, Joy, Peace...

Current Announcements & Reminders

Check our LinkTree for all current sign ups!

- Please remember to leave the closest parking spaces open for those who can't walk longer distances.

Upcoming Events:

October 12th - Bonfire. Join us for a bonfire in Billings. Bring your yard chairs and yard games! Sign up lists coming soon.

October 13th  - Pastor Appreciation Sunday.

October 20th - Church at the Park. Join us at J.R. Martin AMP for service, followed by a picnic lunch in the park!

October 27th - Kids Costume Parade & 3rd Quarter Business Meeting after church


Upcoming Kids Events:

No current upcoming events. Come join us on Sundays at 9am for SALT and 10am for church classes, and Wednesdays at 6:15 for Midweek Missions at the Gathering!

Costume Parade - October 27th after church. Wear your costumes to church and collect some candy!


Youth Information & Upcoming Events:

Crossover Youth is for kids in grades 6-12. Join us for our weekly classes: Sundays from 9-10a.m and Wednesdays from 6:15-8:00pm (class starts at 7).

Upcoming special events:

Youth Fall Retreat - November 15-17. A weekend dive into our yearly youth theme, service projects & an evening of fun and fellowship. $50/student.

Youth Lock-In - January 31- February 1. The overnight gauntlet where only the strongest survive! Join us for a night packed with epic games, endless snacks, and a battle against the biggest challenge of all -- staying awake past midnight!

Winter Jam - TBA, but usually in March.

Young Christian's Weekend - April 5-6.